Experience Compression Laboratory®

One year of leadership development in one week

Experience Compression Laboratory®
Join us for a week of exploration and learning. 
Explore ways of thinking about yourself as a leader. Learn how to increase your professional effectiveness.

Making the shift from success to significance

We all know the importance of feedback for continued development.  
The multiple source feedback you get throughout the week will give you a new understanding of how people perceive you. 

Barnum ECL answers the question
”I hear the feedback…. now what?” 

60 Years and Still Making a Difference!

The Barnum Experience Compression Laboratory® (ECL) is a unique, experiential, leadership development process that has withstood the test of time. The ECL is effective and has lasting results. Thousand of past participants say… it works!

Through a series of business simulations and meaningful, honest feedback, individuals discover and develop their personal and professional effectiveness.

It’s All In The Name!

Experience “Learning While Doing”. We believe learning is more effective and lasting when we are doing and experiencing. The ECL week is a highly interactive and experiential process and includes giving and receiving honest, meaningful feedback.
Compression – years of learning is compressed into one week as participants play the roles of a management team of an organization through changes, challenges, opportunities and transformations in a business case study throughout the week.
Laboratory –  environment creates the opportunity to explore alternative ways of thinking, managing differences and creative problem solving. The laboratory setting is a place to experiment with ways of leveraging strengths and managing areas of development. Experience and explore in an environment where there is no right or wrong, good or bad -- but there is a unique opportunity to discover how to increase personal and professional effectiveness.

Humanics and Mechanics 

The ECL focuses on the integration of Humanics and Mechanics
Mechanics are the task skills such as, setting objectives, planning, organizing, setting objectives, prioritizing, etc. Many learn the mechanics as part of their education and on-the-job experience.

Humanics are the interpersonal dimension of leadership such as, collaborating, cooperating, influencing others. Many refer to humanics as the art of leadership. Many say Barnum is “art school for leaders”.  

Few have the opportunity to integrate the Mechanics and the Humanics. The Barnum ECL creates the opportunity for experiencing, exploring and practicing the integration of these two distinct qualities.

Anonymity and Confidentiality

Anonymity and confidentiality are essential keys to Barnum ECL's lasting success.

Participants do not reveal their job title, company, education, where they live - even their last name - until the last day. The anonymity feature creates the opportunity for feedback in an almost “pure” form, without any of the pre-judgments we tend to make (even unconsciously) when we are aware of those “labels”. 

Barnum has never made - and will never make - any reports to a company or reveal any information about a participant. It is an important part of our individual and company value system. 

Past participants tell us..

"ECL is like a week of personal coaching"

Increased self-Insight --  Awareness of what impact one have on others, and how to leverage strengths and manage development areas.
Learning Agility -- Greater understanding of individual differences and what makes people tic! Increased agility in working with diverse individuals and leadership styles.
Teamwork & Collaboration -- What it takes to create trust and collaboration in order to build a high-performing team.
Feedback and Openness -- Greater ease giving and receiving feedback. Reduced personal defensivenes.
Leadership -- Increased personal Leadership Presence. 
Learning Can Be Fun! -- Hands on learning and laughing – is lasting learning.

ECL Schedule

When, Where, Who

Due to the ongoing global COVID-19 crisis we regret to announce that the Barnum ECL programs have been put on hold on til further notice. 

The ECL takes place in the beautiful Norwegian countryside of the Thon Vettre Hotel in Asker, Norway.
Gardermoen Airport in Oslo is about 1 hour from the hotel
We will keep you updated here for ECL courses for 2023

For 60 years, the ECL has succeeded in creating Lifelong Learning for thousands of participants.  
We hope you will challenge yourself to be the person and leader you choose to be.

Who should attend?

Those who want to improve their overall effectiveness, productivity and personal influence. The ECL groups include participants coming from all levels of diverse organizations and cultures

Contact us to sign up for our next ECL program

Join our signature leadership course which has revolutionized the leadership industry for more than 60 years

How do you want to unleash the power of ONE within you?

How do you want to unleash the power of ONE within you?

Join our signature leadership course which has revolutionized the leadership industry for more than 60 years
Contact us to sign up for our next ECL program >>
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